February Newsletter

Dear Parents,

It’s February already. The time is going so quickly and the children have been busy with all sorts of things. I love visiting the classrooms and watching all the learning going on. And through their play, they’re learning so many things. Did you know that through play, children learn to interact with others, develop language skills, recognize and solve problems, and discover their human potential? In short, play helps children make sense of and find their place in the world. It lays a foundation for learning and academic success and is proven to aid in their physical development, academics, and social and emotional learning. And play is fun. So we make time for play, every day. It’s fun…and fundamental.

We had a great Chinese New Year. This is the Year of the Tiger, and Ellery’s family sent in beautiful pictures which I sent home with everyone. The children also had a special snack of rice and orange slices and made special art projects to celebrate the new year.

We have some upcoming events taking place that I’d like to share with you:

Our classroom Valentine’s Day parties will take place on Monday & Tuesday, Feb. 14th & 15th (more information from teachers).

Picture Days with Irvin Simon Photographers will be on Monday and Tuesday March 14th & 15th am & pm. We’ve used Irvin Simon for years and the pictures come out so nice. They take individuals as well as class pictures and we also have them take sibling pictures as well. More information as it gets closer.

Summer Camp information has been sent out to current families. Camp will begin on Monday June 13th. Camp will run for 10 weeks for children ages 3 to 5 (children not yet 3 but eligible to enter the 3’s in Sept. can come to camp). Our regular camp hours are from 9:00am-12:00pm however we offer the option till 3:00pm (and an option till 4:00pm for first 2 weeks) well as Early Drop-off beginning at 8:00am.

We have different camp themes each week and the teachers here at CP are here for camp as well. We always have a lot of fun. It tends to fill up so if you’re interested in specific weeks, please let me know as we open it up to new families soon.

As many of you know, Creative Playtime holds an annual fundraiser. It’s the only fundraising that we do and with a wonderful fundraising committee, it always turns out to be a great night. Due to Covid, we haven’t held our annual spring fundraiser since 2019. We had it scheduled for this spring but after thoughtful consideration, myself, Pastor Abby and the board felt as though it just isn’t the right time yet to gather a large group of people. The fundraiser takes a great deal of planning and for it to be successful…and lots of fun…we need a good turnout. It was scheduled to take place at Lake Isle and they have been so nice and so accommodating as we navigate our new normal. So we’re going to hold off having it this spring and we’re going to plan for a later date…possibly in the fall. Thanks for your understanding.

42 Days Until Spring!


Reminder: School Closed for Mid Winter Recess: Feb. 21st-25th


March Newsletter


December Newsletter